3 Top Websites For House Hunting




3 Top Websites For House Hunting

Dustin Lindale

Blog, Tips for First Home Buyers

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Here are the go t0 websites for house hunting So you’ve got your Pre-Approval sorted and your onto the next step, Finding A House.  At this stage of the process, research is key to making an informed purchase.  Here are our picks for the top websites for house hunting. 1. Homes.co.nz Homes.co.nz is...

Just how important is sunshine?




Just how important is sunshine?

Dustin Lindale

Blog, Tips for First Home Buyers

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As winter approaches it is a great time to consider how important it is to you to have as much sunshine as possible shining into your house. Even if you are not at home to enjoy it during the working week the impact on your life is still important and so is the impact on your home. We need sunshine...


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