6 Reasons Why Using a Mortgage Broker Makes Good Sense!

Wondering if you should use a Broker or go straight to your Bank? 

There are a number of reasons why you should engage the services of a mortgage broker to assist you in obtaining your home loan finance;

1. Not all banks are equal – different banks have different lending criteria, so whilst one bank may decline your loan another one may approve it!  Mortgage Brokers know the various banks lending criteria and can quickly identify the best lender options for your personal circumstance.

2.Banks won’t give away any of their profit margins unless they absolutely have to. The best way to get the best rate is for the bank to be competing for your business. A Mortgage broker works for you, not the bank and will negotiate to get you the best rate.

3. Being prepared – a Mortgage broker will help prepare you for an application to ensure you have the best possible chance of getting an approved stamp on your application.

4. A  good Mortgage broker will show you how to structure your home loan so as to minimise your interest costs, saving you thousands and cutting years off your home loan.

5. Convenience – A Mortgage broker will meet with you at a time and place that suits you , including after hours and weekends.

6. Its FREE (Some Brokers do charge a fee but this is rare and must be disclosed to you)


The First Home Buyers Club can assist you in obtaining your home loan finance, our experienced Home Loan experts are available to meet with you at a time and place convenient to you. Call us on 0800449049 or contact us via our contact pages on our website.


Karen Lewis July 29, 2014 Blog