Do it online

In order to get saving, first do a budget. There are many free budgeting tools available online, a highly recommended one is

Be Honest with yourself

Be honest with yourself about what you spend on and how much you spend!

Review your Historical Spending

Review old bank statements to get a better understanding of your spending habits. Work out what is essential spending and what’s optional.
Review your optional spending – what can you can down on or eliminate?

Set a savings Goal

How much can you afford to regularly save? If you wanting to buy a home – your best option is work out your likely mortgage repayment costs along with insurance and rate costs, less your current rent  costs. Being able to prove to the bank that you can sustain the additional costs will be a benefit when applying for a mortgage.

Remember to be realistic with your plan – you must still allow yourself some luxuries – if you don’t  you may find it just too hard and give up.

Set up a savings account

Separate your savings from your day to day spending account and watch your savings grow!

Set up an automatic payment

Setting up an automatic payment in line with your pay day is the easiest way to ensure that you do  save.

Make it hard to access your savings account

Make it hard to withdraw money from your savings account. Don’t link the account to an eft-pos card or even have it on your internet banking, that way if you really have to withdraw from the account you’ll have to make a trip to the bank!
Shop around for the best savings interest rate –  check out deposits-1-to-5-years

Tools to help you with saving>

Need a Money Coach? Go to
Want to Track your spending?
Want to save on rent? Thought of House Sitting? Check out

Savings Tips

Check your essential costs What can you save on?
Got a Credit Card – Can you transfer to a Card on a lower Interest Rate?
Check your rent costs – are you paying too much rent? Go to for a rent comparison
Check out your power costs –could an alternative provider offer you a better price. Go to
Are you wasting power? Check out your-energy-bill
Where do you shop for your groceries? Are you paying top dollar by shopping at the most expensive  supermarket?
Make a shopping list and stick to it! Don’t be tempted to buy extra things you don’t actually need. Stock up on basics when they are on special – you going to need then – so buy in bulk whilst they are one sale.Buy only in season produce – off season fruit and vegetables are always more expensive.
Cut down on the lattes – you’ll be surprised how much you may spend on those coffees here and  there. (Just 1 latte a day @4.50 every work day adds up to $1080 for a year)
Take your lunch to work – buying lunches every work day can literally cost you thousands every year  ($10 per day for every working day adds up to $2400 over a year!)
Are you entitled to any government benefits that you are currently not receiving? Check out
New to NZ and need help in understanding what your government entitlements are? Check out



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