Meet The Advisors: Rebecca Taiaroa | North Canterbury

Meet The Advisors: Rebecca Taiaroa, Mortgage Link North Canterbury

In the second of our ‘Meet The Advisors’ posts we speak to Rebecca Taiaroa from Mortgage Link North Canterbury.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

After 10 years in the banking industry, I joined Mortgage Link in North Canterbury in late 2015. Being a Mortgage Adviser is my ‘thing’. I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life, and then turning their plans and goals into reality.

2. What makes you want to work with FHBC and its members?

It’s the opportunity to truly assist a first home buyer, to help them reach their goals and put it all together so they can buy their first home. It’s a privilege to be a part of that process sooner rather than later.

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

I volunteer my time at the Rangiora Gymnastics Club, and I love catching up on documentaries, and that’s squeezing it in and around my sporty teenage daughter.

4. What is your view on the current state of the housing market for first home buyers?

Being in Canterbury in a post-earthquake environment is like a small slice of New Zealand history that may only be experienced once. Without a doubt, there is a building boom in Canterbury, and in particular there is a surge in population in the North Canterbury area. There are more first home buyers in the market in North Canterbury than there are houses. That’s because there are homes in the affordable bracket in North Canterbury, but the demand hasn’t yet levelled off. In Christchurch itself and parts of Kaiapoi, first home buyers have to pay special attention to builder’s reports & engineers reports, and they may need to rely on their Solicitor a little bit more than other first home buyers in New Zealand.

5. What tips do you have for first home buyers?

Plan, plan and more planning. The thing I have keenly observed, is that being a first home buyer is less about how much you earn, but more about how well you plan. Get KiwiSaver set up – yes for retirement and buying your first home, but have a look at your budget and see where else you can save some money. And get in touch with a Mortgage Adviser sooner rather than later.

Rebecca Taiaroa is a First Home Buyers Club advisor for North Canterbury.  To set up a meeting to discuss your planning needs complete the form below:


Dustin Lindale May 31, 2016 Blog