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Thanks for joining our !

We know that buying your first home can be overwhelming – not to mention time consuming – and trying to get your head around information, crunching numbers and understanding all that tricky legal stuff can seem down right scary.
That’s why we established The First Home Buyers Club, to create one easy-to-access place where first home buyers know they can go for objective, honest, straightforward advice, whatever stage of the process they’re at. After all, with already busy personal and professional lives to keep up with, finding the time to make sense of all the varied information out there can be stressful, confusing and disheartening! So we’ve done the hard yards for you and put it all here in terms that are simple to understand, and we’ve found great partners with special deals just for members to make it even easier.

We’re working for you – not for the banks. We’re here to help you at each step of the journey – from dropping that first dollar in the savings tank, to helping with negotiations with a mortgage provider, and right through to helping you find the right person to mow the lawns at your new pad. Buying your first home is a super exciting time – and we love seeing our First Home Buyers Club members turn the lock to their new home!

We partner with some great businesses to bring you discounts and specials to help ensure you can save a little more here and there – after all, every little bit counts!  Whilst we have only just started the process of getting partners on board  – we plan to bring you hundreds more – there are many businesses out there who are very keen to give First Homebuyers a helping hand. In the meantime if you are looking for something in particular, it might be you need a lawyer in your town or city which we haven’t got to yet -please drop us a note and we’ll see what we can do to get a special offer arranged for you. Also if your are a business owner who provides a product or service that relates to buying or owning a home and your interested in making a special offer for our members – please do get in touch we’ d love to hear from you!

Below, you’ll find links to all the important areas of your membership site. Please feel free peruse the site and definitely let us know if you have any questions.

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