10 Tips For Choosing A Section

With the KiwiSaver HomeStart grant offering double the amount for first home buyers building new, the appeal of home and land packages is significant.

One of those considerations is on settling on the ideal section to build your first home.

We asked the team at Matrix Homes to give us some tips for what to look for when choosing a section.

Here are their 10 tips for deciding on a section:

1. Get A Section’s Certificate Of Title

A Certificate Of Title will tell you the size and shape of a section.  It will also let you know if there are any mortgages, leases, right of ways or other interests on the property.

You can obtain a title through your lawyer or on the Land Information NZ website.

2. Check the District Plan

This will tell you things like height or boundary restrictions, and will let you know what your neighbours are permitted to do. The District plan will also advise if you will need Resource Consent for your project.

3. Think About Site Access

Any section for a new build needs good site access.  Make sure you check with your home building company about their specific site access requirements.  Watch out for anything that may restrict access to the section like excess foliage or powerlines.

4. Explore the Area

Exploring the area you’re interested in gives you a chance to spot potential plots as well as get a better sense of what’s available. The best plots are often snagged before they make it to the open market, so word-of-mouth is a powerful ally.

5. Where Utilities Are Located

Connecting services like water, power and gas all add to the final construction cost.  The further the services are from the house the more expensive they are to connect.  Give consideration to off grid solutions like solar and tank water.

6. Does The Section Have Covenants?

Covenants are restrictions and requirements placed on the use of a section.  Developers can put these in place in order to maintain the aesthetic and quality of a subdivision.  A conveyance lawyer can advise on whether a section has any covenants you would have to abide by.

7. Obtain A Geotechnical Report

A geotechnical report will tell you about the ground conditions to determine the foundations required.

8. Take Into Account The Section’s Terrain

The cost of a section may be cheaper than others based on its steep terrain.  This could contribute to the cost involved in building.  A Quantity Surveyor can help advise on costs related to building on a chosen section.

9. Re-Sale Value

Take note of the site’s aspects.  How much sun/wind will it get?  Visit the section in different conditions.  Does it have good drainage or is it prone to flooding?  What are the values of surrounding houses in the area?

10. Check The Land Use History

Check the history of the use of the land (e.g. a former orchard or industrial site could mean hazardous soil conditions)

This post was brought to you by Matrix Homes, for more information about their mission to lower the cost of building a new home, visit their website www.matrixhomes.co.nz 

Matrix Homes

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Dustin Lindale June 15, 2016 Blog, Tips for First Home Buyers