What is a LIM Report and why you should get one!

What is a LIM Report?

A LIM report (land Information memorandum) is prepared by the relevant local council.

A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) report is a summary of information that the relevant local Council holds on a property. You can request a LIM report via the Council yourself or your solicitor can obtain one for you. These can usually be supplied within 10 working days, but may vary from Council to Council. Costs for a LIM report are in the $300 – $400 range & urgent requests usually attract an additional fee. For more information on obtaining a LIM report check the relevant Council Website. Click here for Council Websites 

When you apply for a LIM,  the council will prepare a report that may include the following property information:

  • special land features or characteristics (including potential erosion, slippage or subsidence)
  • private and public stormwater and sewerage drains
  • any rates that may be owing in relation to the land
  • information concerning building, plumbing/drainage, and resource planning consents (including notice, order or requisition affecting the land or any building)
  • special conditions including NZ Historic Places Trust listings
  • any information which has been notified to the council by any statutory organisation in terms of any other act
  • network utility in relation to the Building Act 1991 or 2004
  • and much more.

Why should you get a LIM Report?

If you decide not to get a LIM report you run the risk of not being fully informed about possible issues with the property which once you own it become your problem! This can include things like non-permitted work on the property, problems with the land itself or even that there are plans for a motorway through the property. Whilst it is an additional expense – we strongly recommend you get one – even if it’s just for peace of mind!

